Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Monuments and Failure.

I woke up early, yet again. I was to meet with Pike, and go grab the rest of the books. But on my way to his place, I realized that each time I was taking that road, the Byzantine-Roman monuments were right next to me. The "Forum" of the Roman ages, probably. I have never stopped to take a good look at them, 'til today. They are magnificent! Reminds of an age undreamed of, when noblemen were walking here and there, knights were training on a corner, and archers trying to get better, testing their skills at the archery range. Once again I'd wish I were born on the 15th century... not to say even earlier. Back then people knew how it is to live by the sword, by chivalry... and honor. In my mind I compared the "good old times" with nowadays. The only thing you see, is people walking here and there, like mindless zombies... Not speaking, not watching their own step. And then you realize... you are becoming one of them. Don't take me wrong, the city is much better than the village I grew up, full of peasants, with only a handful of people that really matter. The city is great, a really nice improvement to my life. But... it's taking its toll. Slowly, but surely, it can turn you into something you wouldn't like to be. it tests your patience... and other virtues as well.
Anyway, after finally taking our books, Pike suggested we'd go have a quick meal at "Goody's". There I saw that girl. She probably wasn't the most beautiful girl in there, but she had such a kind smile, and smart beautiful brown eyes... We were looking at each other for more than 20'. But when we stood up at the same time, to go pick some glasses of water, I felt all of my self-confidence hit  bottom, I was totally speechless. After that, she decided to leave with her friend, and disappointment was clearly drawn on her sweet pretty face. I guess... that Xmas affect me really bad. It was Xmas, after all, the last time I spoke to my old love... I don't know... I just don't feel like myself these days. Usually I would ask Asami for some advice, but she has her own problems and plans to attend to.
I just feel too bored, all I want now is my vacations to start, and meet with my good friends again. (Hopefully, I'll have the chance to see all 4 of them...)
Right now... I'm just too angry for letting that girl walk away, just like that. She might have been a great companion...
And yet she might just have been a stupid flirt... I will never know, since she now's already walked away...
Oh well, so be it.

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